Living with Kidney Stones - Dr. Ninad Deshmukh

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Living with Kidney Stones

Living with Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are more common than you might think, causing discomfort and sometimes excruciating pain to millions of individuals worldwide. If you’re one of the unfortunate people who have experienced the agony of kidney stones, or if you’re seeking ways to prevent them, you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll explore the causes of kidney stones, their common symptoms, available treatment options, and, most importantly, strategies for preventing their formation.

Understanding the Causes of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, scientifically known as nephrolithiasis, are solid deposits that form in the kidneys. They can vary in size and composition, with the most common types being calcium oxalate stones. The formation of kidney stones is primarily influenced by diet, genetics, and hydration. However, it’s crucial to dispel the myth that kidney stones only affect those with a poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle.

Common Symptoms of Kidney Stones

The symptoms of kidney stones can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, depending on the size and location of the stone. The classic symptoms include sudden and intense pain in the back or side, radiating to the lower abdomen and groin. Individuals with kidney stones may also experience nausea, vomiting, blood in the urine, and the urge to urinate frequently. These symptoms often prompt individuals to seek medical attention.

Available Treatment Options

If you’re seeking the expertise of a specialist in dealing with kidney stones, you’ll want to consult the best gastroenterologist in Pune, and one name that stands out is Dr. Ninad Deshmukh. As a skilled gastroenterologist in Kothrud, Dr. Deshmukh has extensive experience in managing kidney stones.

The choice of treatment depends on the size and location of the stone, as well as the severity of symptoms. Smaller stones may pass out of the body through the urinary tract with increased hydration and pain management. Larger stones or those causing severe symptoms might require medical intervention. Options include extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), ureteroscopy, and in some cases, surgical removal.

Preventing Kidney Stone Formation

Prevention is key for individuals who are prone to kidney stones. This is where guidance from a knowledgeable gastroenterologist, especially the best gastroenterologist in Pune like Dr. Ninad Deshmukh, becomes invaluable. Here are some essential strategies for preventing kidney stone formation:

  • Stay Hydrated: Adequate fluid intake helps dilute the urine and prevent the crystallization of minerals that can lead to stone formation.
  • Monitor Diet: Work with a healthcare professional to assess your diet and identify foods high in oxalates or purines, which can contribute to stone formation. A personalized diet plan can make a significant difference.
  • Medication: In some cases, medications may be prescribed to prevent certain types of kidney stones, especially if the underlying cause is related to metabolic or genetic factors.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Maintain a healthy weight, stay active, and avoid excessive consumption of foods that may contribute to stone formation.
  • Regular Check-ups: Routine medical check-ups, especially with a gastroenterologist in Kothrud like Dr. Ninad Deshmukh, can help monitor your kidney health and identify any risk factors early.


Living with kidney stones can be challenging, but understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, seeking appropriate treatment, and adopting preventive strategies can significantly improve your quality of life. If you’re in the Pune area and in need of expert guidance, Dr. Ninad Deshmukh, the best gastroenterologist in Pune, is here to help you navigate the complexities of kidney stone management. Remember, you’re not alone, and with the right support and knowledge, you can take control of your kidney health.


Dr. Ninad Deshmukh