Foods That Can Harm Your Liver - Eat This, Not That

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Foods That Can Harm Your Liver – Eat This, Not That

You might not give it much importance, but your liver is working hard around the clock to keep you up running and healthy. Various complications and severe issues can arise when you fail to take proper care. Some of the major functions of a liver are to digest the food consumed and filter toxins from the body. Your body is made of the things you eat. You should try to consume food items that are good for a healthy life and avoid the food that can hamper its functioning or make it work harder.

When you eat anything, do you ever consider how it is going to affect your liver? For most of us the answer is ‘No’, and for those who do, it is usually because they have been recommended by their doctor to do so. Liver problems have become a growing concern among the masses, one of the major reasons being unhealthy eating habits and a stagnant lifestyle. Whatever we eat, has a direct or indirect impact on various organs in our body. This includes our liver as well.

Coffee, fresh fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, green tea in moderation(1-2 cups/day), berries, eggs, nuts, and grapes nourish the liver and make it healthy. But do you know the foods bad for the liver? Keep reading to know more about such food items.

Whether you are diagnosed with a liver problem, are at a higher risk of developing a liver problem or, are completely healthy, it is important to avoid food that can harm your liver and rather Resort to a healthy and nutritious diet. While most people talk about eating healthy, in this blog, we have solely focussed on foods that you should refrain from eating for the sake of your liver, with the help of experts specializing in liver transplants in Pune

1. Fries

Who doesn’t love French fries? Be it, small children or adults, we all loved too much fries. But, what suits your pallet is not necessarily good for you. French fries are the most common fatty foods that are eaten across the globe. As we all know, the liver is responsible for breaking and converting fats into energy. When you eat french fries or any other party food, there is an excessive workload on your liver. Sometimes the liver is not able to break down the fats completely and they start to accumulate, making you more susceptible to fatty liver disease. People who eat french fries and other fatty foods on a daily basis, are highly vulnerable to many liver problems. Instead of grabbing a pack of fries, you can rather go for a healthier alternative like berries.

2. Cheeseburger

Skipping home-cooked meals and grabbing a cheeseburger from your favorite food joint surely seems like a good plan, but it is definitely not good for your liver. Foods like cheeseburgers are loaded with saturated fats that are one of your biggest enemies. Experts from the best hospital in India suggest that a regular cheeseburger can contain as many as 16 grams of saturated fat, which is enough to damage your organs if taken on a regular basis. Instead of buying a burger, you should rather try making one for yourself. This way you will know the exact amount of calories and fat that are going in. You can also opt for a healthy alternative like whole-wheat bread instead of white bread.

3. Whipped Cream

If you are thinking about how whipped cream can benefit you, there is practically no use because there is nothing about it apart from the delicious taste. It might make your food taste better but at the same time, it is going to make you more vulnerable to various liver problems. Whipped cream is loaded with calories, sugar, and saturated fats, all of which can damage your blood vessels. So, next time you go to your favorite coffee shop, don’t forget to add the phrase ‘ without whipped cream’ at the end of your order.

4. Alcohol

Well, this is something that you would already be knowing. We have just elaborated a little further. All the toxins present in our blood are filtered by the liver. When we drink alcohol, the level of toxins increases, putting an excess workload on the liver. You will be surprised to know that some liver cells might even die while filtering your favorite drink. This can lead to scarring and make you more vulnerable to Cirrhosis. This especially holds for people who drink on daily basis. You should try giving up the practice altogether and even if you do not wish to do, at least try drinking in moderation.

5. Bread

One must always refrain from consuming food items like pasta pizza biscuits and bread that are made from white flour. They lack minerals, fiber, and essential vitamins. It is essential to understand that highly refined grains convert into sugar content. This content is hard to process and ends up as fat in the liver. It is one of the major causes of fatty liver diseases. You should instead opt for healthy alternatives that will help your liver to stay healthy throughout the year.

6. Red Meat

Red meat may be high in protein, but digesting it is a taxing job for your liver. Breaking down proteins is not easy for the liver and can lead to various liver-related issues. Also, excess protein build-up in the liver can lead to fatty liver diseases that can have adverse effects on the brain and kidneys. Egg whites are good for your liver, but over-consumption can lead to digestion issues and the yellow yolk is a source of bad cholesterol.

7. Aerated/fizzy drinks (soda/ cola etc)

It is okay to consume a small amount of aerated drink occasionally, but its regular consumption can start damaging your liver and could lead to the development of various liver complications. Apart from this, excess soda consumption is also a major cause of weight gain and obesity in people. And obesity can affect your liver by increasing fatty accumulation in the liver( Fatty liver). Also, soda offers a deadly combination of sugar and refined carbohydrates(also called empty calories) that are detrimental to liver health.

8. Baked Food Items

Everyone loves to eat cakes, muffins, and cookies. But do you know their adverse effects on your liver? Is sugar bad for your liver? Yes! Experts suggest that bakery products should be completely abandoned from your daily diet chart. First of all, these items are high in sugar and can lead to obesity. Secondly, bakery items can also lead to higher triglyceride levels in the body, due to their fat content, which can lead to various liver diseases. Also, the primary ingredient used in these products is refined white flour(maida). White flour is hard to digest and also gives rise to fat accumulation in the liver.

These are the foods that are bad for the kidneys and liver. Consuming everything within a limit is still fine, but the moment you cross this limit, you are risking the health of your liver. Consuming large amounts of fructose-rich fruits like raisins, dry fruits can result in inflammation and fatty liver. This is because the sugar present in fruits, known as fructose, can cause abnormal amounts of fat in the blood when consumed in large amounts. Bananas are not bad for the liver, but try to limit them to 1-2/ day and not beyond that as the fructose in them can lead to fatty liver diseases.

Next time you are planning to eat something, do not forget to consider your liver and its well-being.

Dr. Ninad Deshmukh is one of the best Liver transplant surgeons in Pune India. he has performed more than 300 liver transplant surgeries as a Chief Surgeon. Currently, he is available at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital Pune. He is an expert in all types of liver transplants and is the preferred choice for domestic as well as international patients.
NewLife Gastro Liver Clinic is one of the top Liver transplant clinics in Pune. We endeavor to serve patients with advanced medical solutions that help them to revive their lives. Under the expert supervision of a renowned liver specialist in Pune Dr. Ninad Deshmukh, we bring in quality healthcare solutions within the range of the common man. As a life-saving surgery, a liver transplant is mandatory if you are diagnosed with end-stage liver disease (chronic liver failure).


Dr. Ninad Deshmukh